In the first book of her Binding Chaos series, Heather Marsh provides her definition of global commons:

"Anything which is not only of global interest but also does not belong to any one generation cannot legitimately be claimed as the property of any individual, group, corporation or government. Global commons would include space, the atmosphere and electromagnetic field, deep sea ocean, land and water masses of sufficient size to have global impact, areas of the biosphere which are rare or important enough to be of global concern, and knowledge. Knowledge includes discoveries, history, creative works, and the information people require in order to govern themselves and excludes personal information regarding individuals. If society is to progress, there should be no restriction on the use of ideas."

Created by Douglas Lucas in July 2024 as a footnote for his Aug. 27, 2024 article at Foreign Policy, "Banning TikTok Won't Keep Your Data Safe: Pompous billionaires, authoritarian regimes, and opaque oligarchs are hoarding our data. Only an alternative online ecosystem will stop them." (Gift link; alternate hyperlink.)