Various media featuring or including me.

  • June 2, 2024. Promo video and blog post announcing my solo talk Survey and Scrutiny of Election Security at the Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) conference, July 12-14, NYC.
  • June 21, 2023. To accompany my investigative article regarding the nationally important elections office breach and cover-up in the swing state of Georgia's Coffee County, Brad Friedman of the countrywide Pacifica FM and AM radio show the BradCast interviewed me the same day my piece was released. Here's the landing page for that particular radio episode he hosted, with links to various services carrying the show such as Apple Podcasts. The full show as a 58-minute MP3 may be downloaded directly here.
  • December 2021. I started a youtube channel.
  • October 27, 2021. I spoke at the University of Washington hacker club Batman's Kitchen. The topic was, more or less, intellectual history for hacktivists. It was an in-person talk simultaneously available virtually over Zoom. The .MP4 Zoom audiovideo file is just under two hours and fifteen minutes long, with Q&A starting at 1:48:12. Here's the powerpoint. The video is also available on my youtube channel. See my related blog post for more information.
  • August 17, 2017. I spoke at the amazing Burning Books in Buffalo, New York. Check it out on Youtube: 83min full video; 3min excerpt on Stratfor and corporate surveillance of activists; 10min excerpt regarding Jeremy Hammond's sentencing statement (allocution); 7min excerpt about Barrett Brown & HBGary; 5.5min excerpt on the global data commons project GetGee. Pics gallery on Facebook. Press about the event.
  • May 11, 2015. Kit O'Connell interviewed PAPS and me regarding hacktivist Jeremy Hammond and the five million-plus emails he liberated from the Austin-based private spy firm Stratfor: Why the media ignores Jeremy Hammond while praising Edward Snowden. (See various articles.)
  • April 2015. Interviewed as an expert on the Stratfor emails in Vivien Weisman's documentary film The Hacker Wars. iTunes; Amazon; Google Play. (See various articles.)
  • January 26, 2015. In an article for the Columbia Journalism Review, Kelly J. O'Brien quoted me about how journalist Barrett Brown's prosecutors argued as if his actions took place somewhere other than the real world. (See a various articles.
  • January 22, 2015. Transcript and four-and-a-half minute audio-only interview with me by the namesake of The Scott Horton Show from the January hearing for journalist Barrett Brown's sentencing. (See this article and extra material for it.)
  • January 17, 2015. 1.5-hour audio-only interview (0:31:18 to 2:04:00) with me on Radio Free Kansas about journalist Barrett Brown's case and the decentralized hacktivist collective Anonymous. (See various articles.)
  • December 16, 2014. Transcript and eight minutes of audio-only interview (1:02:20 to 1:10:11) with me by the namesake of The Scott Horton Show from the December hearing for journalist Barrett Brown's sentencing. Free. (See this article.)
  • August 24, 2014. 50-minute audio-only interview of me by Guillermo Jimenez for WhoWhatWhy podcast premiere about counterinsurgency on the U.S.-Mexico border and within the United States, plus various other topics including Ferguson protests and the HOPE X hacker conference. (See these articles.)
  • July 19, 2014. At HOPE X hacker conference, panelist for Project PM: Crowdsourcing Research of the Cyber-Intelligence Complex. 56 minutes. Video; 16 kpbs audio only; 128 kpbs audio only. (See this article.)
  • May, 2014. A widely read Anonymous press release I co-authored, advocating for the PayPal 14 by protesting Glenn Greenwald, spawned offline protest and several different articles, two of which quoted me, RT and The Daily Beast.
  • April 21, 2014. 46-minute audio-only interview with me by Guillermo Jimenez for episode 36 of De-Manufacturing Consent, about George W. Bush's paintings and other topics, including private spy firm Stratfor's relationship with law enforcement and journalist Barrett Brown's case. Free six-minute preview, otherwise paywalled. (See this article and extra material for it, plus various other writings.)
  • January 25, 2014. Two-hour audio-only interview with me on The Covert Report with Susan Lindaeur about the content of the Stratfor emails published by WikiLeaks and other topics, including the hack of Stratfor, journalist Barrett Brown's case, and the private spy industry. Paywalled. (See various articles.)
  • November 21, 2013. Audio-only interview with me on Lorax Live about hacktivist Jeremy Hammond's sentencing and the Stratfor emails. I've never been able to find a link to or recording of this. If anyone has either, please email me about it. (See this post.)
  • November 21, 2013. Speech by me at Foley Square in Manhattan about the value of the Stratfor documents liberated by Jeremy Hammond. Text of speech as prepared plus links for it, film of speech by Small Affair, film of separate, condensed version by Jeff Durkin, and more information all available here. WhoWhatWhy did a version and write-up of Jeff's recording.


Email: DAL@RISEUP.NET (ask for pgp key or check keyservers if you want encryption)

Snailmail (United States Postal Service only): Douglas Lucas / PO Box 75656 / Seattle WA 98175 / United States

Snailmail (Private carriers such as UPS, Fedex, DHL, Amazon): Douglas Lucas / 11036 8th Ave NE #75656 / Seattle WA 98125 / United States

Note the single-character change in ZIP codes, between the address for USPS (98175) and the address for private carriers (98125), is not a typo.

Twitter: @DouglasLucas


Instagram: @DouglasLucas